Monday, June 26, 2006

About the properties of light, especially the unobservable

The prevailing scientific view regarding the behavior and properties of light holds that light is both a particle and a wave. Often, the spacetime behavior of light is regarded as a cone. Most theories of universal expansion depend on the wave particle description of light.

I have made the following observations about light that seem to suggest that the behavior of light is not only a particle or wave but an expanding sphere much like the universe. Any point on any light sphere is moving away from every other point on the light sphere at a constant velocity relative to that point.

What observations suggest this theory?

Any quanta of light must pass through every point in the universe unless it is itself altered by any non-zero force.

Once a quanta of light is emitted it immediately expands in every direction and will move through every point in the universe in a predictable amount of spacetime unless its energy is altered by any non-zero force.

Do the observable properties of light behave as we would expect an expanding sphere to behave? The indicative behaviors would produce certain observable effects, namely:
  1. The light would be observable (i.e. have measurable energy or effect) from any unobstructed point in the universe. Bear in mind that gravitational fields are obstructive energies.
  2. All points on the sphere equidistant from the origin should observe the light quanta at the same time relative to the origin of the light sphere.
  3. The energy of the quanta measured at the sphere horizon should decrease relative to its distance from the origin of the lightsphere.
  4. The distance of the arc along the sphere horizon will measure the relativistic time differential between the two points. If the first axiom holds true, light will reach any point on the sphere at the same time relative to the origin, but at different times relative to any two points. Only by traveling along the arc of the sphere between two points would one be able to measure the distance between two points accurately in relative spacetime.
Let us consider these questions that arise from the expanding sphere theory:

  1. Light must have a measurable gravitational effect regardless of how minute
  2. There is an ever changing value that expresses the amount of light that has been emitted since the original expansion of the singularity. I will refer to this value as TLQ, the total light quantity
  3. Some light has been absorbed by intervening matter; I will refer to this ever changing value as the ALQ, or absorbed light quantity. Given the expansion of the universe, the value should decrease proportional to the mean distance between material, if anyone could ever hope to quantify that amount. This is purely logical deduction and may not be scientifically valid. I simply suggest this based on the increasing distances between matter in the expanding universe. Other factors, such as an increasing amoung of light absorbed by micromatter could be significant. Regardless, the ALQ includes all absorbed light.
  4. Light that is not passing directly through a point in the universe is not directly observable at that point. Approaching and departing light is not observable, though its effects may be. The amount of light that is not observable must be staggeringly greater than that which is. For fun, I will refer to unobservable light as the ULQ, the Unobservable Light Quantity. We can make some assertions about the ULQ based on the Observable Light Quantity, but it is not likely to be very accurate since it is based on the smallest factor of the ULQ, so small as to be statistically insignificant. Simple math tells us that the TLQ-OLQ = ULQ.
  5. My bet is there are far more knowledgeable people who may be able to come to some reasonable approximation of the OLQ. Another way to consider the ULQ is to determine the average OLQ at a given point in the universe over a period of time. I will assert that if one can determine this value one will find that it is statistically similar at every point in the universe, even for those near a dense number of light sources. It may be counterintuitive, but if one accepts that light must pass through every point in the universe unless intercepted and one accepts that every point in the universe is moving away from every other it must follow that the average amount of light passing through any given point in the universe is statistically similar to that passing through any other point. This value is the Average Present Light Quantity, which must be very small in relation to the TLQ.
  6. If light has any mass it all (it must) it follows that there is an enormous mass of Unobservable Light. The mass of light has an unique gravitational property in that its force must be double that of any equivalent mass. This follows from the law of equal effects developed by Newton: any action creates an equal and opposite reaction. Light must follow an unique quantum gravitational law of light. Light, having mass, must attract and be attracted by other mass, yet the effect of this attraction is not measurable on light as it continues to move at its own constant speed. If each mass attracts the other, then where is the effect of the attraction? In the case of light, the other mass must react to both the force of the attraction of light and the force of the attraction to light. I recognize that certain quantum singularites exist outside of this law. I confess that I, like others, refer to them with incomplete understanding. Nevertheless, most light is not within an event horizon and must be exerting enormous gravitational force on all other mass in the universe.
  7. All of the above suggests that there is no dark matter in the universe, rather just unobservable light. The gravitational effect of this increasing value would cause the rate of universal expansion to accelerate, a fact which has already been observed.
This is my simple little theory. It needs an immense amount of work, but it fits with observations.


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